I remember the day my 5 year old son came up to his dad who was reading Time magazine after work. My son wanted to show him something but his dad said don't bother me I'm reading. Once in awhile we all do things like that but I realized that this was typical behavior for my husband.
Shortly after we moved to Aberdeen SD I told him that I was going to divorce him. I can't imagine where I got the courage. His reaction was "We can't afford it." I had already worked out a financial plan that was fair, and said I was hiring a lawyer. He did not get a lawyer, did not appear in court, and never mentioned it again. I stayed in Aberdeen long enough to finish my degree to become a school counselor.
It was a huge step for me, and I worried a lot about telling my parents. As it turned out, they were very upset the evening I told them. By morning they had decided he was a "dirty rat". They wanted me to come home to LA to live with them. I had had enough of other people controlling my life. It was the first time I ever said no to my dad.
My new found confidence, represented by the white side of my piece, has helped me live a better and happier life since then.